Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Species argument

Cats see only your good points. Dogs may love you more unconditionally, but they are more attentive of your bad side, and they never forget it when they see it. But cats say, "It's cool," and move on, unless you really are an a-hole. More than anything, I sincerely try not to be an a-hole.

As carnivores and unapologetic predators, cats understand a dark side is not a defining one. And, yes, I have a dark side. Only dark in outlook, mind you; I am as gentle a soul in action as was my father. I suppose I can't help being a bit of a predator myself. But I see the bad things, and I predate against them. I know I may be wrong in my judgment, and that's what stops my decisive, rhetorical coup de grace. Usually.

People say of cats they like, "They are very dog-like." I consider myself neutral on the cat/dog axis, or on the cat/dog/human/sentient being axis. I judge the beer in the glass.

Hey, did you know I was a Certified beer judge?

But the greatest dog I've known, Lucky the Second, was catlike in his acceptance of the extremes of my behavior. He took a long time to judge me, but once he judged me thumbs-up, I was aces to him. He wanted to be by my side 24/7, my wing man, my sidekick.

I've loved a lot of estimable dogs and look forward acutely to meeting them all at Rainbow Bridge, but I've never met the likes of Lucky before or since, and don't expect to. With him, I could do no wrong. When I sang, he got happy, and he always wanted to be by my side. When he passed, I sensed that he was THE dog of my life, and so far that has held true.

I miss Lucky the Second every day of my life.

If I am a very lucky man, there may be more such dogs, but as watchful as I am for them, I don't expect it. Our current dogs are attentive to me, but Lydia is the center of their universe. She deserves that with all of our pets, because she IS that. All beings gravitate towards her; her goodness is a center of gravity.

But I am an acquired taste with every living thing, like haggis or Lightning Smith. When a sentient being actually gravitates towards me, like Lydia or Lucky or most cats, it touches me deeply. I am grateful, sincerely so, because it is so rare, and its rare encouragement keeps me going.

But the surprise at meeting any creature that takes to me never diminishes. I have too much perspicacity, and too much experience, for it to be otherwise. As Jean Shepherd put it, I am the blind date. I am the Bride of Frankenstein.

Is there anyone remaining who gets that reference?

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